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MacCentre -> Development Division -> ElbRUS 9210 -> Frequently asked questions

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Frequently asked questions and answers

Letters on the keyboard do not match letters appearing on screen.

- Check keyboard mode. Russian letters can be entered in Russian mode only (Р on the indicator), while Latin letters - in Latin mode (L on the indicator). If indicator is switched off, try to switch keyboard mode and look at the message that should appear in the top right corner of screen. If indicator is absent and there's no message displayed, reboot your communicator. If the problem persists, reinstall the program.
- Check current layout. To find out current keyboard layout, open 'ElbRUS 9210' setup window in the Control Panel (see 3.2). Refer to chapter 4 for keyboard layout figures.
- This version of 'ElbRUS 9210' is not compatible with your device. To find out 'ElbRUS 9210' version number, open Панель управления -> Установка/Удаление (Control Panel -> Install/Remove). Version number is displayed next to the application name ('ElbRUS 9210'). If necessary, download update for this software at www.HPC.ru/9210download. If your computer is not in the compatibility list, contact MacCentre via E-Mail at developers@maccentre.ru - 'ElbRUS 9210' will be modified to support your device, free of charge.

Keyboard modes do not switch, indicator is absent, messages not displayed in the upper right corner of screen.

Localization software is not active. Probably, you did not activate 'ElbRUS 9210' after installing. To activate 'ElbRUS 9210' press Extras button, open 'Activate ElbRUS', enter the registration code in the 'Code' field. Press 'Activate now' to complete installation. If the code entered is valid, 'Your device needs to be restarted' window will appear. Press Continue to reboot the device.

IMPORTANT! The registration code is valid only for device with the specified IMEI. It is not possible to use it with another device.

If you're unable to activate 'ElbRUS 9210', please reinstall in as described in 2.4, and try activating again.

Unable to send/receive E-mail messages or browse Web pages.

- Wrong encoding is set for outgoing E-mails and/or Web posting. Use Control Panel, 'ЭльбРУС 9210' ('ElbRUS 9210') section as described in 3.2.
- Message or Web page encoding is not supported by ElbRUS 9210. Current version supports Windows-1251, KOI8-R, ISO-8859-5, Mac Cyrillic.
- Mail client or server did not specify encoding for message body text. To view message text, use Кодар (Kodar) utility (see 3.3), available for download from Internet.

Unable to install 'ElbRUS 9210' via Nokia PC Suite.

- Install latest PC Suite, available for free download from Nokia Web site: http://forum.nokia.com/main/0,,5_2_4_1,00.html
- Install the software directly on your communicator (see 'Installing on a Communicator').

Unable to remove 'ElbRUS 9210'.

Before removing 'ElbRUS 9210' from your Communicator you need to switch off interface translation. Open ЭльбРУС 9210 (ElbRUS 9210) section in the Control Panel, set interface language to "Английский" ('Немецкий', etc.) and try removing the software again. If you're unable to open ElbRUS 9210 section in the Control panel and/or select the interface language, reboot the device and try removing the software again.

Several files from C:\System cannot be copied to PC during backup

Several 'ElbRUS 9210' files are "locked" by the operating system which cannot be copied or deleted. Please see 3.1. before performing backups.

I've lost my registration code!

You can receive you registration code at www.HPC.ru/9210code_en

After opening MS Excel file in the Sheet application Russian text is not displayed correctly.

Currently Nokia 9210 does not fully support MS Excel 97/2000 files containing Cyrillic letters. However, if you still need to view the file contents (for example, for printing), do the following:
- Always create a backup copy of the file.
- Press Menu and select File (Файл) -> Printing (Печатать). If 'General' printer is selected, press "Настройки" (Settings) and select another printer, then press Done (Готово).
- Select cells containing Russian letters and change the font (Ctrl-Shift-F) to SwissA, then press Done (Готово). File contents will be correctly displayed on the screen.

IMPORTANT! If you save the file, cells containing Russian letters will be garbled! To avoid saving the file, press Ctrl-Chr-Shift-K to close Sheet.

If you do not intend to modify the file, use separate File Viewers, available for download from Nokia site at http://forum.nokia.com/main/0,,5_2_4_1,00.html.

How do I install updates for "ElbRUS 9210"?

Updates are delivered in a single UpdateXX.SIS file (where XX is update number). It is not necessary to install all updates in sequence, just install the latest update. Turn off interface translation before installing updates (if full localization package was installed). After installation reboot the device manually.

Profile names are not translated after installing full localization package.

Delete the file \System\Data\dbProfile.db on the Internal ('Communicator') drive and reset the device. WARNING! All profile settings, such as melody, volume level, etc will be lost. Note: Translated profile names will also be correctly displayed on the phone side.

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Copyright © 1997-2015. "Компьютер на ладони". Поддержка проекта осуществляется компанией МакЦентр. Пишите: hpcru@hpc.ru

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